【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】
15 Dec 2022
Bhopal: A case of attempt to murder has been registered against four people from Nishatpura police station. The woman who filed the official complaint with the police in her report alleges that after giving alcohol to her brother, an attempt was made to electrocute him. On the other hand, the injured person has been admitted to Hamidia Hospital, whose condition remains critical. Due to critical condition of 21-year-old Anil's son Dayaram Dhanak, he has been kept on ventilator and the statement of the youth has not been recorded yet. On the side of the case, the police has started investigating the case. According to the injured man's sister, on December 6, at around 6 pm, he was drinking alcohol with his friends Akram, Aslam, Vishal and Bittu near Karond area of Bhopal. During this, he was badly scorched by coming under the grip of the current of the electric pole installed there under suspicious circumstances.
मध्यप्रदेश जुर्मे वारदात हत्या चिकित्सालय
कोरोना के खज़ाने की लूट: 853 रेमड़ेसिविर इंजेक्शन पर चोरों ने किया हाथ साफ़!
कांग्रेस का घर-घर के विकास का ढिंढ़ोरा प्रदेश कांग्रेस कार्यालय में भूखा प्यून का छोरा!
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PS शाहपुरा: शराब कारोबारी ने हड़पे लाखों रूपए, मामला दर्ज
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