अख़बार की दुनिया मे बेबाक़ी का सबसे बड़ा कलेजा

【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】


Lokayukt DG Rajiv Tandon to retire soon, officers next in line to be appointed meet Lokayukt

12 May 2022

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Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh: Special DG Rajiv Tandon is retiring from the post of Lokayukta DG on May 31. In such a situation, the race for officers to become Lokayukta DG has started. Three officers have also met Lokayukta in the past. 1990 batch IPS officer STF ADG Vipin Maheshwari is more likely to become Lokayukta DG.

It is believed that his name has also got the green signal from the Lokayukta. DG Lokayukta Rajiv Tandon is a 1988 batch IPS officer. Due to his clean image, he is counted among the favorite officers of the government. Tandon will retire on May 31 after completing his term.

According to information received from sources, ADG Vipin Maheshwari, ADG GP Singh and ADG Rajesh Chawla have met Lokayukta Naresh Gupta in the past. ADG Maheshwari's name is in discussions for Lokayukta DG. Perhaps his name has also got the green signal from the Lokayukta. Due to being close to the government, it is believed that ADG Maheshwari's name will be stamped. Maheshwari has been handling the responsibility of ADG STF for two years. He has also been IG Indore.

मध्यप्रदेश अफ़सर-ए-ख़ास IPS अफ़सर

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