अख़बार की दुनिया मे बेबाक़ी का सबसे बड़ा कलेजा

【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】


Himself uploaded the controversial post on Insta, old injuries found on Nishank’s hand: SIT

31 Jul 2022

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Bhopal B.Tech. Student Nishank Rathore died of heavy bleeding after being cut off from the train. After being dragged by the train, he got stuck in the wheels and was dragged for 5 to 7 feet. This left him with scratches on his abdomen and back, but also bleeding in the ribs and internal organs. After this he went into shock and died within a few minutes. This has come to the fore in the postmortem report. Which has been prepared by the forensic expert of AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), Bhopal. The SIT officer probing this case said that the post-mortem report of Nishank was received on Saturday. The cause of death of the student has been given as injury to the vital organs of the body (rib, liver, spleen, kidney) and heavy bleeding from the leg. Also, it has been told in the report that the marks of being tied with any rope or wire have not been found on the body of the student. Nishank's body was found on the railway track near Barkheda in Obaidullaganj. In the final investigation it have also been disclosed that Nishank himself uploaded the ‘Sar tan se juda post’ on his instagram before being dragged by the train. The police have also found old injury marks on Nishank’s hand which pointed towards his depression/mind unstability from a long time. 

मध्यप्रदेश चिकित्सालय पुलिस मुख्यालय ताज़ा सुर्खियाँ

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