अख़बार की दुनिया मे बेबाक़ी का सबसे बड़ा कलेजा

【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】


Mass movement of Karni Sena at Mahatma Gandhi Square in Bhopal steps in its 4th day, Lallan Singh's health deteriorate

11 Jan 2023

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Bhopal: The mass movement of Karni Sena at Mahatma Gandhi Square located in BHEL area of the capital continues on Wednesday for the fourth day. Health of Karni Sena's Narmadapuram divisional spokesperson, Lallan Singh Rajput, who was on hunger strike, deteriorated on the night of Tuesday-Wednesday. Bhopal Metropolitan President of Karni Sena Krishna Bundela gave the information. Told that his BP had suddenly increased at night. There was panic. On which the doctors present along with Karni Sena examined and made them rest after drinking water. Information about this has been given to the administration in the morning. Karni Sainiks are protesting with 21 point demands.

Krishna Bundela reiterated, the mass movement will continue till a joint committee is not formed to accept the demands. If we try to pick him up from here or forcefully drive him out and if the situation worsens, the administration will be responsible for it. After one o'clock in the night at Mahatma Gandhi square, the number of people of Karni Sena had reduced. Karni soldiers have started reaching there again since Wednesday morning. 

मध्यप्रदेश निगम दफ़्तर पंचायत किसान रोज़गार

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