अख़बार की दुनिया मे बेबाक़ी का सबसे बड़ा कलेजा

【 RNI-HIN/2013/51580 】
【 RNI-MPHIN/2009/31101 】


MP home department transfers Mamtesh Mali from ATS with immediate effect

15 Oct 2021

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Policemen have been transferred once again in Madhya Pradesh (MP). Actually, the Home Department has issued an order for this.

Home Department, State Government has transferred Shri Mamtesh Mali, Superintendent of Police, ATS Police Headquarters, Bhopal with immediate effect and temporarily posted as Assistant Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters Bhopal till further orders.

मध्यप्रदेश अफ़सर-ए-ख़ास IPS अफ़सर ताज़ा सुर्खियाँ खबरे छूट गयी होत

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